presiding officer of each local canvassing authority having
jurisdiction of election precincts included in a recount shall
manage and supervise the recount for the precincts in that
authority's jurisdiction.
(b) In a recount of an election canvassed jointly with another
election, the presiding officer of the authority designated by
law as the canvassing authority for the election, rather than the
presiding officer of the joint canvassing authority, shall manage
and supervise the recount.
(c) The custodian of voted ballots in the election, or the
custodian's designee, is entitled to be present at each phase of
the recounting process.
Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. 211, Sec. 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1986.
Sec. 213.002. RECOUNT COMMITTEE. (a) Before beginning a
recount, each recount supervisor shall appoint a recount
committee composed of as many members as the supervisor
determines are necessary for a speedy recount. The committee must
be composed of at least four members. The recount coordinator may
appoint one member.
(b) The recount supervisor shall appoint a chair from the
(c) The recount committee shall count the votes in a recount
under the direct management and supervision of the chair. The
recount supervisor or the supervisor's designee may exercise the
chair's authority when present during the counting process.
Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. 211, Sec. 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1986. Amended
by Acts 1987, 70th Leg., 2nd C.S., ch. 59, Sec. 8, eff. Oct. 20,
1987; Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. 288, Sec. 3, eff. Sept. 1, 1989;
Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. 864, Sec. 211, eff. Sept. 1, 1997.
as provided by Subsections (b) and (c), to be eligible for
appointment as a member of a recount committee, a person must be
a qualified voter of the political subdivision served by the
recount supervisor and must otherwise meet the eligibility
requirements prescribed by this code for precinct election judges
and clerks. A person who served as an election judge or as judge
of the early voting ballot board in the election is ineligible to
serve as a member of the recount committee. An officer of a
political party is eligible to serve as a member of the
(b) A tabulation supervisor, assistant tabulation supervisor, or
manager of a central counting station appointed in a recount
using automatic tabulating equipment to recount ballots
originally counted at a central counting station is not subject
to Subsection (a).
(c) A person who is appointed as a member of a recount committee
by the secretary of state or a state party chair and who
otherwise meets the eligibility requirements prescribed by this
code for precinct election judges and clerks is eligible for
appointment regardless of whether the person is a qualified voter
of the political subdivision served by the recount supervisor.
Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. 211, Sec. 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1986. Amended
by Acts 1987, 70th Leg., 2nd C.S., ch. 59, Sec. 9, eff. Oct. 20,
1987; Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. 288, Sec. 4, eff. Sept. 1, 1989;
Acts 1991, 72nd Leg., ch. 203, Sec. 2.68; Acts 1991, 72nd Leg.,
ch. 554, Sec. 39, eff. Sept. 1, 1991; Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch.
864, Sec. 212, eff. Sept. 1, 1997.
provided by Subsection (b), a member of a recount committee is
entitled to compensation for time spent in making a recount at an
hourly rate set by the recount supervisor, not to exceed the
maximum hourly rate for election judges.
(b) A tabulator assisting in a recount using automatic
tabulating equipment to recount ballots originally counted at a
central counting station is entitled to compensation in an amount
set by the recount supervisor, not to exceed the rate of
compensation for the tabulation supervisor of the central
counting station.
Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. 211, Sec. 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1986.
Sec. 213.005. COUNTING TEAMS. (a) A recount committee in a
recount other than a recount on automatic tabulating equipment
shall function as one or more counting teams composed of three
members each. The recount coordinator may appoint one member of
each team.
(b) Subject to the authority of the recount supervisor or the
supervisor's designee, the recount committee chair shall
designate the members to serve on each team and the duties to be
performed by each member.
Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. 211, Sec. 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1986. Amended
by Acts 1987, 70th Leg. 2nd C.S., ch. 59, Sec. 10, eff. Oct. 20,
1987; Acts 1993, 73rd Leg., ch. 728, Sec. 74, eff. Sept. 1, 1993;
Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. 864, Sec. 213, eff. Sept. 1, 1997.
recount committee chair has the same authority as a presiding
election judge to determine whether a particular ballot may be
lawfully counted and how a voter's marking of a ballot should be
(b) After consulting the recount coordinator's appointee, the
recount committee chair shall prepare a written statement of the
specific reasons for not counting a particular ballot. Any
uncounted ballots shall be kept separately in the appropriate
(c) Early voting ballots rejected by the early voting ballot
board may not be counted in the recount.
Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. 211, Sec. 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1986. Amended
by Acts 1987, 70th Leg., 2nd C.S., ch. 59, Sec. 11, eff. Oct. 20,
1987; Acts 1991, 72nd Leg., ch. 203, Sec. 2.69; Acts 1991, 72nd
Leg., ch. 554, Sec. 40, eff. Sept. 1, 1991; Acts 1997, 75th Leg.,
ch. 864, Sec. 214, eff. Sept. 1, 1997.
(a) On presentation by a recount committee chair of a written
order signed by the recount supervisor, the custodian of voted
ballots, voting machines or test materials or programs used in
counting electronic voting system ballots shall make the ballots,
machines, or materials or programs, including the records from
which the operation of the voting system may be audited,
available to the committee.
(b) The custodian of keys to secured materials or equipment
shall make the keys available to the committee in the same manner
as provided by Subsection (a).
(c) The recount committee chair shall have the materials and
equipment restored to their secured condition and returned to the
appropriate custodian.
Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. 211, Sec. 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1986. Amended
by Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. 864, Sec. 215, eff. Sept. 1, 1997;
Acts 2003, 78th Leg., ch. 1315, Sec. 54, eff. Jan. 1, 2004.
The recount supervisor shall make the arrangements necessary for
conducting the recount and shall set the time and place for
beginning the recount.
Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. 211, Sec. 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1986.
Sec. 213.009. NOTICE OF RECOUNT. (a) The recount supervisor
shall give personal notice of an initial recount to the
petitioner, personal notice of a supplementary recount to both
the petitioner and applicant, and personal notice of an expedited
recount to the petitioner and to any applicant.
(b) Notice required by Subsection (a) shall also be given to
each person entitled to notice under Section 212.032.
(c) The notice must include the time and place at which the
recount is scheduled to begin and the number of counting teams
designated for the recount, if applicable.
(d) Except as provided by Section 213.010, the notice shall be
given at least 18 hours before the recount begins.
Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. 211, Sec. 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1986.
Sec. 213.010. EARLY RECOUNT. A recount may begin earlier than
18 hours after notice is given under Section 213.009 if each
person entitled to the notice agrees to begin at a specified
earlier time.
Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. 211, Sec. 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1986.
Sec. 213.011. VOTES COUNTED BY PRECINCT. The recount committee
shall count the votes separately by precinct.
Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. 211, Sec. 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1986.
Sec. 213.0111. RECOUNT OF DISPUTED BALLOTS. (a) On receipt of
an affidavit executed by any recount committee member alleging
that legal votes were not counted or illegal votes were counted
during the initial recount, the recount coordinator may order a
new recount of the disputed ballots. For a county or precinct
office in a primary election, the county chair may order the new
recount only on the approval of the state chair.
(b) The affidavit must be received by the recount coordinator
within 48 hours after the determination of the results of the
initial recount.
(c) Notice of the new recount shall be given in the manner
prescribed by Section 213.009 for an initial recount.
(d) The new recount must begin not later than the seventh day
after the date the notice is given.
(e) The recount coordinator shall appoint a recount committee to
conduct the new recount.
Added by Acts 1987, 70th Leg., 2nd C.S., ch. 59, Sec. 12, eff.
Oct. 20, 1987. Amended by Acts 1993, 73rd Leg., ch. 759, Sec. 1,
eff. Sept. 1, 1993; Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. 864, Sec. 216, eff.
Sept. 1, 1997.
Sec. 213.012. COMMITTEE REPORT OF RECOUNT. (a) After the
recount is completed, the recount committee chair shall prepare a
report of the committee's vote count and sign the report. Votes
shall be reported separately by precinct.
(b) The chair shall deliver one copy of the report to the
recount supervisor and one copy to the general custodian of
election records.
(c) The copies of the report shall be preserved for the period
for preserving the precinct election records.
Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. 211, Sec. 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1986. Amended
by Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. 864, Sec. 217, eff. Sept. 1, 1997.
RECOUNT. (a) Each person entitled to notice of the recount
under Section 213.009 is entitled to be present at a recount.
(b) In a recount of an election on an office, each candidate for
the office is entitled to be present at the recount and have
watchers present in the number corresponding to the number of
counting teams designated for the recount. If only one counting
team is designated or the recount is conducted on automatic
tabulating equipment, each candidate is entitled to two watchers.
(c) In a recount of an election on an office for which a
political party has a nominee or for which a candidate is aligned
with a political party, the party is entitled to have watchers
present in the same number prescribed for candidates under
Subsection (b).
(d) In a recount of an election on a measure, watchers may be
appointed by the campaign treasurer or assistant campaign
treasurer of a specific-purpose political committee that supports
or opposes the measure in the number corresponding to the number
of counting teams designated for the recount. If only one
counting team is designated or the recount is conducted on
automatic tabulating equipment, each eligible specific-purpose
political committee is entitled to two watchers.
(e) A watcher appointed to serve at a recount must deliver a
certificate of appointment to the recount committee chair at the
time the watcher reports for service. A watcher who presents
himself or herself for service at any time immediately before or
during the recount and submits a proper certificate of
appointment must be accepted for service unless the number of
appointees to which the appointing authority is entitled have
already been accepted.
(f) The certificate must be in writing and must include:
(1) the printed name and the signature of the watcher;
(2) the election subject to the recount;
(3) the time and place of the recount;
(4) the measure, candidate, or political party being
(5) the signature and the printed name of the person making the
appointment; and
(6) an indication of the capacity in which the appointing
authority is acting.
(g) If the watcher is accepted for service, the recount
committee chair shall keep the certificate and deliver it to the
recount coordinator after the recount for preservation under
Section 211.007. If the watcher is not accepted for service, the
recount committee chair shall return the certificate to the
watcher with a signed statement of the reason for the rejection.
(h) Each person entitled to be present at a recount is entitled
to observe any activity conducted in connection with the recount.
The person is entitled to sit or stand conveniently near the
officers conducting the observed activity and near enough to an
officer who is announcing the votes or examining or processing
the ballots to verify that the ballots are counted or processed
correctly or to an officer who is tallying the votes to verify
that they are tallied correctly. Rules concerning a watcher's
rights, duties, and privileges are otherwise the same as those
prescribed by this code for poll watchers to the extent they can
be made applicable.
(i) No mechanical or electronic means of recording images or
sound are allowed inside the room in which the recount is
conducted, or in any hallway or corridor in the building in which
the recount is conducted within 30 feet of the entrance to the
room, while the recount is in progress. However, on request of a
person entitled to appoint watchers to serve at the recount, the
recount committee chair shall permit the person to photocopy
under the chair's supervision any ballot, including any
supporting materials, challenged by the person or person's
watcher. The person must pay a reasonable charge for making the
copies and, if no photocopying equipment is available, may supply
that equipment at the person's expense. The person shall provide
a copy on request to another person entitled to appoint watchers
to serve at the recount.
Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. 211, Sec. 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1986. Amended
by Acts 1987, 70th Leg., 2nd C.S., ch. 59, Sec. 13, eff. Oct. 20,
1987; Acts 1993, 73rd Leg., ch. 728, Sec. 75, eff. Sept. 1, 1993;
Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. 864, Sec. 218, eff. Sept. 1, 1997.
Amended by:
Acts 2009, 81st Leg., R.S., Ch.
1235, Sec. 21, eff. September 1, 2009.
canvassing authority that normally makes the canvass following a
recount consists of more than five members, the presiding officer
of the authority may require the canvass to be made by a
committee composed of the presiding officer and four other
members of the canvassing authority designated by the presiding
Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. 211, Sec. 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1986.
Sec. 213.015. BYSTANDERS EXCLUDED. (a) Only persons that are
specifically permitted by law to attend a recount may be inside
the room in which the recount is conducted, or in any hallway or
corridor in the building in which the recount is conducted within
30 feet of the entrance to the room, while the recount is in
(b) A recount committee chair has the same authority as that of
a presiding judge at a polling place to preserve order during the
Added by Acts 1987, 70th Leg., 2nd C.S., ch. 59, Sec. 14, eff.
Oct. 20, 1987. Amended by Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. 864, Sec.
219, eff. Sept. 1, 1997.
images of ballots cast using direct recording electronic voting
machines for the purpose of a recount, the full recount committee
is not required to be present. The recount committee chair shall
determine how many committee members must be present during the
printing of the images. Each candidate is entitled to be present
and to have representatives present during the printing of the
images in the same number as Section 213.013(b) prescribes for
watchers for a recount.
Added by Acts 2003, 78th Leg., ch. 583, Sec. 2, eff. Sept. 1,
Amended by:
Acts 2009, 81st Leg., R.S., Ch.
1235, Sec. 22, eff. September 1, 2009.
Sec. 213.031. APPLICABILITY OF SUBCHAPTER. This subchapter
applies to recounts in elections for which there is no canvass at
the state level.
Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. 211, Sec. 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1986.
receiving the recount committee's report of a partial initial
recount, the recount supervisor shall promptly give notice of the
result of the recount to each person entitled to notice of the
recount under Section 213.009.
Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. 211, Sec. 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1986.
Sec. 213.033. CANVASS FOLLOWING RECOUNT. (a) As soon as
practicable after completion of a recount that changes the number
of votes received for a particular candidate or for or against a
measure, the canvassing authority shall conduct a canvass for the
office or measure involved using the recount committee's report
in the recount supervisor's possession, instead of the original
precinct election returns, for each precinct in which a recount
was conducted. An original canvass for the office or measure is
void, and the new canvass is the official canvass for the
election on that office or measure. If no change occurs in the
recount in the number of votes received for a candidate or for or
against a measure, the official result of the election is
determined from the original canvass.
(b) In a recount of an election in which there is more than one
local canvassing authority, the result of the canvass conducted
under this section shall be reported to the other canvassing
authorities in the same manner as the result of an original
(c) The appropriate authority shall take any further action that
may be necessary in the same manner as for an original canvass.
Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. 211, Sec. 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1986. Amended
by Acts 1987, 70th Leg., 2nd C.S., ch. 59, Sec. 15, eff. Oct. 20,
1987; Acts 1993, 73rd Leg., ch. 759, Sec. 2, eff. Sept. 1, 1993.
Sec. 213.051. APPLICABILITY OF SUBCHAPTER. This subchapter
applies to recounts in elections for which there is a final
canvass at the state level.
Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. 211, Sec. 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1986.
recount includes election precincts in the jurisdiction of more
than one local canvassing authority, a person entitled to notice
under Section 212.032 may designate an agent for any one or more
of the jurisdictions to receive the notice required by Section
(b) The recount coordinator shall ascertain whether a person
notified under Section 212.032 desires to appoint agents under
Subsection (a) and, if so, each agent's name, address, and
telephone number.
Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. 211, Sec. 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1986.
Sec. 213.053. NOTICE OF RECOUNT TO SUPERVISOR. The recount
coordinator shall give each recount supervisor involved in a
recount notice of:
(1) the precincts in the supervisor's jurisdiction included in
the recount and any other pertinent information concerning the
recount; and
(2) the name, address, and telephone number of each person to be
notified of the recount under Section 213.009.
Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. 211, Sec. 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1986.
receiving the recount committee's report, the recount supervisor
shall promptly notify the recount coordinator of the result of
the recount.
Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. 211, Sec. 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1986.
Sec. 213.055. SUPERVISOR'S REPORT. (a) As soon as practicable
after receiving the recount committee's report, the recount
supervisor shall prepare and sign a report of the vote count by
precinct in the supervisor's jurisdiction, using the recount
committee's report for the precincts recounted and the original
precinct election returns for the precincts not recounted.
(b) The report prepared under this section is the official
statement of the vote count in the local canvassing authority's
(c) On completion of the report required by this section, the
recount supervisor shall deliver one copy to the recount
coordinator and one copy to the general custodian of election
records. The copies shall be preserved for the period for
preserving the precinct election records.
Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. 211, Sec. 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1986.
After receiving the notices of the results of a recount from all
the recount supervisors, the recount coordinator shall promptly
determine the result of the recount.
(b) The recount coordinator shall give notice of the result of
the recount to:
(1) the petitioner and each person entitled to notice under
Section 212.032, for an initial recount or an expedited recount;
(2) the petitioner, the applicant, and any other person entitled
to notice under Section 212.032, for a supplementary recount.
Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. 211, Sec. 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1986.
Sec. 213.057. CANVASS FOLLOWING RECOUNT. As soon as practicable
after completion of a recount that changes the number of votes
received for a particular candidate or for or against a measure,
the final canvassing authority shall conduct a canvass for the
office or measure involved using the recount supervisor's report,
instead of the original county election returns, for each county
in which a recount was conducted. An original final canvass for
the office or measure is void, and the new final canvass is the
official final canvass for the election on that office or
measure. If no change occurs in the recount in the number of
votes received for a candidate or for or against a measure, the
official result of the election is determined from the original
final canvass.
Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. 211, Sec. 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1986. Amended
by Acts 1987, 70th Leg., 2nd C.S., ch. 59, Sec. 16, eff. Oct. 20,
1987; Acts 1993, 73rd Leg., ch. 759, Sec. 3, eff. Sept. 1, 1993.
a person entitled to notice under Section 213.056 makes an
objection to the recount coordinator before the canvass resulting
from a recount, the final canvassing authority may use results
reported to the recount coordinator by telephone or telegraph
under Section 213.054 as the basis for its canvass following an
expedited recount if the orderly conduct of a runoff election
would be disrupted by delaying the canvass until the recount
supervisors' written reports are received.
(b) If an objection is made under Subsection (a), the recount
coordinator shall ascertain the grounds for the objection and
shall verify with the appropriate recount supervisor each result
to which objection is made. If the verification changes the
overall result as originally determined by the coordinator, the
coordinator shall give notice of the change to the persons
entitled to receive the original notice of the result and shall
continue the verification process until no objection exists. The
canvass may then be conducted on the basis of telephone or
telegraph reports as verified.
(c) If a canvass is conducted on the basis of results reported
by telephone or telegraph, on receiving a recount supervisor's
written report, the recount coordinator shall compare the report
with the result used in the canvass. If a discrepancy exists, the
coordinator shall ascertain the correct vote count from the
supervisor. The supervisor shall deliver a corrected written
report to the coordinator if the original written report is
(d) If a discrepancy that affects the outcome of the election is
discovered in the comparison made under Subsection (c), the
recount coordinator shall immediately call a meeting of the
canvassing authority or notify the governor, as applicable, to
conduct another canvass and shall take the necessary action for
correction of the ballots for the runoff election. If discovered
discrepancies do not affect the outcome, the coordinator shall
correct the canvassing authority's vote tabulation to conform to
the written reports.
Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. 211, Sec. 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1986. Amended
by Acts 1987, 70th Leg., 2nd C.S., ch. 59, Sec. 17, eff. Oct. 20,
1987; Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. 163, Sec. 6, eff. Sept. 1, 1989;
Acts 1993, 73rd Leg., ch. 759, Sec. 4, eff. Sept. 1, 1993.
GOVERNOR. (a) A recount in a general election for the office of
governor or lieutenant governor shall be conducted in the same
manner as a recount of a general election for a state office in
which the final canvass is made by the governor, except as
provided by this section.
(b) The governor is considered to be the final canvassing
authority for the election and the secretary of state's
tabulation of the county election returns is considered to be the
declaration of the official result.
(c) The recount supervisor shall deliver two copies of the
report prepared under Section 213.055 to the secretary of state.
The secretary shall use one copy for the tabulation of the votes
after the recount is completed. The secretary shall deliver the
other copy to the speaker of the house of representatives.
Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. 211, Sec. 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1986. Amended
by Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. 163, Sec. 7, eff. Sept. 1, 1989.