20A-7-702 (Effective 01/01/12). Voter information pamphlet -- Form -- Contents --Distribution. (1) The lieutenant governor shall ensure that all information submitted for publication inthe voter information pamphlet is:
(a) printed and bound in a single pamphlet;
(b) printed in clear readable type, no less than ten-point, except that the text of anymeasure may be set forth in eight-point type; and
(c) printed on a quality and weight of paper that best serves the voters.
(2) The voter information pamphlet shall contain the following items in this order:
(a) a cover title page;
(b) an introduction to the pamphlet by the lieutenant governor;
(c) a table of contents;
(d) a list of all candidates for constitutional offices;
(e) a list of candidates for each legislative district;
(f) a 100-word statement of qualifications for each candidate for the office of governor,lieutenant governor, attorney general, state auditor, or state treasurer, if submitted by thecandidate to the lieutenant governor's office before 5 p.m. on the date that falls 105 days beforethe date of the election;
(g) information pertaining to all measures to be submitted to the voters, beginning a newpage for each measure and containing, in the following order for each measure:
(i) a copy of the number and ballot title of the measure;
(ii) the final vote cast by the Legislature on the measure if it is a measure submitted bythe Legislature or by referendum;
(iii) the impartial analysis of the measure prepared by the Office of Legislative Researchand General Counsel;
(iv) the arguments in favor of the measure, the rebuttal to the arguments in favor of themeasure, the arguments against the measure, and the rebuttal to the arguments against themeasure, with the name and title of the authors at the end of each argument or rebuttal;
(v) for each constitutional amendment, a complete copy of the text of the constitutionalamendment, with all new language underlined, and all deleted language placed within brackets;
(vi) for each initiative qualified for the ballot, a copy of the measure as certified by thelieutenant governor and a copy of the fiscal impact estimate prepared according to Section
20A-7-202.5; and
(vii) for each referendum qualified for the ballot, a complete copy of the text of the lawbeing submitted to the voters for their approval or rejection, with all new language underlinedand all deleted language placed within brackets, as applicable;
(h) a description provided by the Judicial Performance Evaluation Commission of theselection and retention process for judges, including, in the following order:
(i) a description of the judicial selection process;
(ii) a description of the judicial performance evaluation process;
(iii) a description of the judicial retention election process;
(iv) a list of the criteria of the judicial performance evaluation and the minimumperformance standards;
(v) the names of the judges standing for retention election; and
(vi) for each judge:
(A) a list of the counties in which the judge is subject to retention election;
(B) a short biography of professional qualifications and a recent photograph;
(C) for each standard of performance, a statement identifying whether or not the judgemet the standard and, if not, the manner in which the judge failed to meet the standard;
(D) a statement provided by the Utah Supreme Court identifying the cumulative numberof informal reprimands, when consented to by the judge in accordance with Title 78A, Chapter11, Judicial Conduct Commission, formal reprimands, and all orders of censure and suspensionissued by the Utah Supreme Court under Utah Constitution Article VIII, Section 13 during thejudge's current term and the immediately preceding term, and a detailed summary of thesupporting reasons for each violation of the Code of Judicial Conduct that the judge has received;
(E) a statement identifying whether or not the Judicial Performance EvaluationCommission recommends the judge be retained or declines to make a recommendation; and
(F) any statement provided by a judge who is not recommended for retention by theJudicial Performance Evaluation Commission under Section
(vii) for each judge, in a bar graph, the average of responses to each survey category,displayed with an identification of the minimum acceptable score as set by Section
78A-12-205and the average score of all judges of the same court level; and
(viii) an Internet website address that contains the Judicial Performance EvaluationCommission's report on the judge's performance evaluation;
(i) an explanation of ballot marking procedures prepared by the lieutenant governor,indicating the ballot marking procedure used by each county and explaining how to mark theballot for each procedure;
(j) voter registration information, including information on how to obtain an absenteeballot;
(k) a list of all county clerks' offices and phone numbers; and
(l) on the back cover page, a printed copy of the following statement signed by thelieutenant governor:
"I, _______________ (print name), Lieutenant Governor of Utah, certify that themeasures contained in this pamphlet will be submitted to the voters of Utah at the election to beheld throughout the state on ____ (date of election), and that this pamphlet is complete andcorrect according to law. SEAL
Witness my hand and the Great Seal of the State, at Salt Lake City, Utah this ____ day of____ (month), ____ (year)
(signed) ____________________________________
Lieutenant Governor"
(3) The lieutenant governor shall not more than 40 nor less than 15 days before the datevoting commences:
(a) (i) distribute one copy of the voter information pamphlet to each household within thestate; or
(ii) ensure that one copy of the voter information pamphlet is placed in one issue of everynewspaper of general circulation in the state;
(b) ensure that a sufficient number of printed voter information pamphlets are availablefor distribution as required by this section;
(c) provide voter information pamphlets to each county clerk for free distribution uponrequest and for placement at polling places; and
(d) ensure that the distribution of the voter information pamphlets is completed 15 daysbefore the election.
Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session
Amended by Chapter 82, 2008 General Session
Amended by Chapter 225, 2008 General Session
Amended by Chapter 248, 2008 General Session