20A-11-204 (Effective 01/01/11). State office candidate -- Financial reportingrequirements -- Interim reports. (1) Each state office candidate shall file an interim report at the following times in anyyear in which the candidate has filed a declaration of candidacy for a public office:
(a) seven days before the candidate's political convention;
(b) seven days before the regular primary election date;
(c) August 31; and
(d) seven days before the regular general election date.
(2) Each interim report shall include the following information:
(a) the net balance of the last summary report, if any;
(b) a single figure equal to the total amount of receipts reported on all prior interimreports, if any, during the calendar year in which the interim report is due;
(c) a single figure equal to the total amount of expenditures reported on all prior interimreports, if any, filed during the calendar year in which the interim report is due;
(d) a detailed listing of each contribution and public service assistance received since thelast summary report that has not been reported in detail on a prior interim report;
(e) for each nonmonetary contribution:
(i) the fair market value of the contribution with that information provided by thecontributor; and
(ii) a specific description of the contribution;
(f) a detailed listing of each expenditure made since the last summary report that has notbeen reported in detail on a prior interim report;
(g) for each nonmonetary expenditure, the fair market value of the expenditure;
(h) a net balance for the year consisting of the net balance from the last summary report,if any, plus all receipts since the last summary report minus all expenditures since the lastsummary report; and
(i) a summary page in the form required by the lieutenant governor that identifies:
(i) beginning balance;
(ii) total contributions during the period since the last statement;
(iii) total contributions to date;
(iv) total expenditures during the period since the last statement; and
(v) total expenditures to date.
(3) (a) For all individual contributions or public service assistance of $50 or less, a singleaggregate figure may be reported without separate detailed listings.
(b) Two or more contributions from the same source that have an aggregate total of morethan $50 may not be reported in the aggregate, but shall be reported separately.
(4) (a) In preparing each interim report, all receipts and expenditures shall be reported as of five days before the required filing date of the report.
(b) Any negotiable instrument or check received by a state office candidate more thanfive days before the required filing date of a report required by this section shall be included inthe interim report.
Amended by Chapter 389, 2010 General Session