20A-12-303 (Effective 01/01/11). Separate account for campaign funds -- Reportingcontributions. (1) The judge or the judge's personal campaign committee shall deposit each contributionin one or more separate personal campaign accounts in a financial institution.
(2) The judge or the judge's personal campaign committee may not deposit or mingle anycontributions received into a personal or business account.
(3) (a) As used in this Subsection (3), "received" means:
(i) for a cash contribution, that the cash is given to a judge or the judge's personalcampaign committee;
(ii) for a contribution that is a negotiable instrument or check, that the negotiableinstrument or check is negotiated; and
(iii) for any other type of contribution, that any portion of the contribution's benefitinures to the judge.
(b) The judge or the judge's personal campaign committee shall report to the lieutenantgovernor each contribution within 30 days after the contribution is received.
Amended by Chapter 389, 2010 General Session