31A-42a-203 (Effective 01/01/13). Powers and duties of board. (1) The Utah Statewide Risk Adjuster Board may:
(a) enter into contracts to carry out the provisions and purposes of this chapter, including,with the approval of the commissioner, contracts with persons or other organizations for theperformance of administrative functions; and
(b) sue or be sued, including taking legal action necessary to implement and enforce rulesadopted under Section
(2) In addition to the requirements of Section
31A-42a-202, the Utah Statewide RiskAdjuster Board shall:
(a) as necessary, submit to the commissioner proposed amendments to the proposed planof operation under Subsection
31A-42a-202(1), and to rules adopted by the commissioner underSection
31A-42a-204, that:
(i) maintain the proper functioning and solvency of the defined contribution arrangementmarket and promote the viability of health benefit plans offered to small employer groups on orafter January 1, 2013, including amendments affecting the calculation of rates, underwriting, andother actuarial functions;
(ii) mitigate significant issues of risk selection; or
(iii) improve how the Utah Statewide Risk Adjuster adjusts risk;
(b) prepare and submit an annual report to the department for inclusion in thedepartment's annual market report, which shall include:
(i) the expenses incurred by the board and by the Utah Statewide Risk Adjuster;
(ii) a description of the types of policies sold in the defined contribution arrangementmarket;
(iii) the number of insured lives in the defined contribution arrangement market;
(iv) the number of insured lives in health benefit plans that do not include statemandates; and
(v) the effect of risk adjustment rules adopted under Section
31A-42a-204 on:
(A) plans offered in the defined contribution arrangement market; and
(B) plans offered to a small employer group on or after January 1, 2013; and
(c) beginning in 2013 and ending in 2014, report to the Health System Reform TaskForce and to the Legislative Management Committee prior to October 1 of each year regardingthe board's progress in:
(i) developing the plan required under Section
(ii) expanding choice of plans in the defined contribution arrangement market; and
(iii) expanding access to the defined contribution arrangement market in the Internetportal for large employer groups.
(3) The administrative budget of the board and the commissioner under this chapter shallcomply with the requirements of Title 63J, Chapter 1, Budgetary Procedures Act, and is subjectto review and approval by the Legislature.
Enacted by Chapter 68, 2010 General Session