32B-1-502 (Effective 07/01/11). Purpose -- Application to other laws. (1) This part establishes reasonable and uniform time, place, and manner of operationrequirements relating to attire, conduct, and sexually oriented entertainers on premises or at anevent at which an alcoholic product is sold, offered for sale, furnished, or allowed to beconsumed under a retail license or permit issued by the commission so as to:
(a) reduce the adverse secondary effects that the attire, conduct, and sexually orientedentertainers may have upon communities of this state; and
(b) protect the health, peace, safety, welfare, and morals of the residents of communitiesof this state.
(2) Nothing in this part allows the showing or display of any matter that is contrary to:
(a) applicable federal or state statutes prohibiting obscenity; or
(b) state statutes relating to lewdness or indecent public displays.
(3) A local authority may be more restrictive of attire, conduct, or sexually orientedentertainers of the type prohibited in this part.
Enacted by Chapter 276, 2010 General Session