32B-5-206 (Effective 07/01/11). Seasonal retail license. (1) If authorized in the relevant part under Chapter 6, Specific Retail License Act, for thetype of retail license, the commission may in accordance with this section issue a seasonal retaillicense located in an area the commission considers proper.
(2) (a) A seasonal retail license shall be for a period of six consecutive months.
(b) A seasonal retail license issued for operation during a summer time period is knownas a "Seasonal A" retail license. The period of operation for a Seasonal A retail license:
(i) begins on May 1; and
(ii) ends on October 31.
(c) A seasonal retail license issued for operation during a winter time period is known asa "Seasonal B" retail license. The period of operation for a Seasonal B retail license:
(i) begins on November 1; and
(ii) ends on April 30.
(3) In determining the number of each type of retail license that the commission mayissue under the relevant part under Chapter 6, Specific Retail License Act:
(a) a seasonal retail license is counted as one-half of one retail license of the specific typeof retail license; and
(b) each Seasonal A retail license shall be paired with a Seasonal B retail license of thesame type of retail license.
Enacted by Chapter 276, 2010 General Session