32B-5-305 (Effective 07/01/11). Pricing of alcoholic product -- Other charge. (1) (a) A retail licensee may sell, offer for sale, or furnish liquor only at a price fixed bythe commission.
(b) A retail licensee may not sell liquor at a discount price on any date or at any time.
(2) (a) A retail licensee may not sell, offer for sale, or furnish an alcoholic product at lessthan the cost of the alcoholic product to the retail licensee.
(b) A retail licensee may not sell, offer for sale, or furnish an alcoholic product at aspecial or reduced price that encourages over consumption or intoxication.
(c) A retail licensee may not sell, offer for sale, or furnish an alcoholic product at aspecial or reduced price for only certain hours of the retail licensee's business day, such as a"happy hour."
(d) A retail licensee may not sell, offer for sale, or furnish more than one alcoholicproduct for the price of a single alcoholic product.
(e) A retail licensee may not sell, offer for sale, or furnish an indefinite or unlimitednumber of alcoholic products during a set period for a fixed price.
(f) A retail licensee may not engage in a promotion involving or offering a free alcoholicproduct to the general public.
(3) As authorized by commission rule, a retail licensee may charge a patron forproviding:
(a) a service related to liquor purchased at the licensed premises; or
(b) wine service performed for wine carried in by a patron in accordance with Section
Enacted by Chapter 276, 2010 General Session