32B-8-302 (Effective 07/01/11). Specific licensing requirements for resort spasublicense. (1) A person may not file a written application with the department to obtain a resort spasublicense that is separate from the application of the resort license, unless the resort spasublicense is being sought after the issuing of a resort license.
(2) If a resort licensee seeks to add a resort spa sublicense after its resort license isissued, the resort licensee shall comply with Subsection
(3) (a) A resort spa sublicense expires on October 31 of each year.
(b) A resort licensee desiring to renew the resort licensee's resort spa sublicense shallrenew the resort spa sublicense as part of renewing the resort license.
(c) Failure to meet the renewal requirements for a resort license results in an automaticforfeiture of the resort spa sublicense effective on the date the resort license expires.
Enacted by Chapter 276, 2010 General Session