32B-8-304 (Effective 07/01/11). Specific operational requirements for resort spasublicense. (1) (a) In addition to complying with Chapter 5, Part 3, Retail Licensee OperationalRequirements, a resort licensee, staff of the resort licensee, or a person otherwise related to aresort spa sublicense shall comply with this section.
(b) Subject to Section
32B-8-502, failure to comply as provided in Subsection (1)(a) mayresult in disciplinary action in accordance with Chapter 3, Disciplinary Actions and EnforcementAct, against:
(i) a retail licensee;
(ii) staff of the retail licensee;
(iii) a person otherwise related to a resort spa sublicense; or
(iv) any combination of the persons listed in this Subsection (1)(b).
(2) A person operating under a resort spa sublicense shall display in a prominent place inthe resort spa a list of the types and brand names of liquor being furnished through its calibratedmetered dispensing system.
(3) (a) For purposes of the resort spa sublicense, the resort licensee shall ensure that arecord required by this title is maintained, and a record is maintained or used for the resort spasublicense:
(i) as the department requires; and
(ii) for a minimum period of three years.
(b) A record is subject to inspection by an authorized representative of the commissionand the department.
(c) A resort licensee shall allow the department, through an auditor or examiner of thedepartment, to audit the records for a resort spa sublicense at the times the department considersadvisable.
(d) The department shall audit the records for a resort spa sublicense at least onceannually.
(e) Section
32B-1-205 applies to a record required to be made, maintained, or used inaccordance with this Subsection (3).
(4) (a) A person operating under a resort spa sublicense may not sell, offer for sale, orfurnish liquor at a resort spa during a period that:
(i) begins at 1 a.m.; and
(ii) ends at 9:59 a.m.
(b) A person operating under a resort spa sublicense may sell, offer for sale, or furnishbeer during the hours specified in Chapter 6, Part 7, On-premise Beer Retailer License, for anon-premise beer retailer.
(c) (i) Notwithstanding Subsections (4)(a) and (b), a resort spa shall remain open for onehour after the resort spa ceases the sale and furnishing of an alcoholic product during which timea person at the resort spa may finish consuming:
(A) a single drink containing spirituous liquor;
(B) a single serving of wine not exceeding five ounces;
(C) a single serving of heavy beer;
(D) a single serving of beer not exceeding 26 ounces; or
(E) a single serving of a flavored malt beverage.
(ii) A resort spa is not required to remain open:
(A) after all persons have vacated the resort spa sublicense premises; or
(B) during an emergency.
(d) A person operating under a resort spa sublicense may not allow a person to remain onthe resort spa sublicense premises to consume an alcoholic product on the resort spa sublicensepremises during a period that:
(i) begins at 2 a.m.; and
(ii) ends at 9:59 a.m.
(5) A minor may not be admitted into, use, or be on:
(a) the sublicense premises of a resort spa unless accompanied by a person 21 years ofage or older; or
(b) a lounge or bar area of the resort spa sublicense premises.
(6) A resort spa shall have food available at all times when an alcoholic product is sold,offered for sale, furnished, or consumed on the resort spa sublicense premises.
(7) (a) Subject to the other provisions of this Subsection (7), a patron may not have morethan two alcoholic products of any kind at a time before the patron.
(b) A resort spa patron may not have two spirituous liquor drinks before the resort spapatron if one of the spirituous liquor drinks consists only of the primary spirituous liquor for theother spirituous liquor drink.
(c) An individual portion of wine is considered to be one alcoholic product under thisSubsection (7).
(8) (a) An alcoholic product may only be consumed at a table or counter.
(b) An alcoholic product may not be served to or consumed by a patron at a bar.
(9) (a) A person operating under a resort spa sublicense shall have available on the resortspa sublicense premises for a patron to review at the time that the patron requests it, a writtenalcoholic product price list or a menu containing the price of an alcoholic product sold orfurnished by the resort spa including:
(i) a set-up charge;
(ii) a service charge; or
(iii) a chilling fee.
(b) A charge or fee made in connection with the sale, service, or consumption of liquormay be stated in food or alcoholic product menus including:
(i) a set-up charge;
(ii) a service charge; or
(iii) a chilling fee.
(10) (a) A resort licensee shall own or lease premises suitable for the resort spa'sactivities.
(b) A resort licensee may not maintain premises in a manner that barricades or concealsthe resort spa sublicense's operation.
(11) Subject to the other provisions of this section, a person operating under a resort spasublicense may not sell an alcoholic product to or allow a person to be admitted to or use theresort spa sublicense premises other than:
(a) a resident;
(b) a public customer who holds a valid customer card issued under Subsection (13); or
(c) an invitee.
(12) A person operating under a resort spa sublicense may allow an individual to be
admitted to or use the resort spa sublicense premises as an invitee subject to the followingconditions:
(a) the individual must be previously authorized by one of the following who agrees tohost the individual as an invitee into the resort spa:
(i) a resident; or
(ii) a public customer as described in Subsection (11);
(b) the individual has only those privileges derived from the individual's host for theduration of the invitee's visit to the resort spa; and
(c) a resort licensee, resort spa, or staff of the resort licensee or resort spa may not enterinto an agreement or arrangement with a resident or public customer to indiscriminately host amember of the general public into the resort spa as an invitee.
(13) A person operating under a resort spa sublicense may issue a customer card to allowan individual to enter and use the resort spa sublicense premises on a temporary basis under thefollowing conditions:
(a) the resort spa may not issue a customer card for a time period that exceeds threeweeks;
(b) the resort spa shall assess a fee to a public customer for a customer card;
(c) the resort spa may not issue a customer card to a minor; and
(d) a public customer may not host more than seven invitees at one time.
Enacted by Chapter 276, 2010 General Session