32B-9-202 (Effective 07/01/11). Commission and department duties before issuingevent permit. (1) (a) Before the commission may issue an event permit, the department shall conductan investigation and may hold public hearings to gather information and make recommendationsto the commission as to whether the commission should issue an event permit.
(b) The department shall forward the information and recommendations described inSubsection (1)(a) to the commission to aid in the commission's determination.
(2) Before issuing an event permit, the commission shall:
(a) determine that the person filed a complete application and is in compliance with:
(i) Section
32B-9-201; and
(ii) the relevant part under this chapter for the type of permit for which the person isapplying;
(b) determine that the person is not disqualified under Section
(c) consider the purpose of the organization or its local lodge, chapter, or other local unit;
(d) consider the times, dates, location, estimated attendance, nature, and purpose of theevent;
(e) to minimize the risk of minors being sold or furnished alcohol or adults beingoverserved alcohol at the event, assess the adequacy of control measures for:
(i) a large-scale public event when the estimated attendance is in excess of 1,000 people;or
(ii) an outdoor public event; and
(f) consider any other factor the commission considers necessary.
(3) Once the commission issues an event permit, the department shall send a copy of theapproved application and the event permit to the state and local law enforcement authoritiesbefore the scheduled event.
Enacted by Chapter 276, 2010 General Session