32B-11-603 (Effective 07/01/11). Commission's power to issue local industryrepresentative license. (1) (a) Before a person described in Subsection (2) may represent an alcoholic product ofa manufacturer, supplier, or importer, the person shall obtain a local industry representativelicense from the commission in accordance with this part.
(b) A violation of this Subsection (1) is a class B misdemeanor.
(2) The commission may issue a local industry representative license to a person who is:
(a) (i) an individual resident of Utah;
(ii) a Utah partnership;
(iii) a Utah corporation; or
(iv) a Utah limited liability company; and
(b) employed by a manufacturer, supplier, or importer, to represent a liquor product withthe department, a package agency, licensee, or permittee under this title, whether compensated bysalary, commission, or another means.
(3) An individual staff member of a local industry representative licensee is not requiredto be separately licensed.
(4) A local industry representative may represent more than one manufacturer, supplier,or importer at a time.
(5) (a) A manufacturer, supplier, or importer is not required to use a local industryrepresentative to represent its products with the department, a package agency, licensee, orpermittee, except that staff of a manufacturer, supplier, or importer who is not a local industryrepresentative shall register with the department, on a form provided by the department, beforethe staff represents an alcoholic product while in the state with the department, a package agency,licensee, or permittee.
(b) A manufacturer, supplier, or importer described in Subsection (5)(a) and its staff aresubject to the same operational requirements of this part and Chapter 4, Criminal Offenses andProcedure Act.
Enacted by Chapter 276, 2010 General Session