32B-12-301 (Effective 07/01/11). General operational requirements for liquorwarehousing license. (1) (a) A liquor warehouser licensee and staff of the liquor warehouser licensee shallcomply with this title and the rules of the commission.
(b) Failure to comply as provided in Subsection (1)(a) may result in disciplinary action inaccordance with Chapter 3, Disciplinary Actions and Enforcement Act, against:
(i) a liquor warehouser licensee;
(ii) individual staff of a liquor warehouser licensee; or
(iii) both a liquor warehouser licensee and staff of the liquor warehouser licensee.
(2) (a) A liquor warehouser licensee shall make and maintain records required by thedepartment.
(b) Section
32B-1-205 applies to a record required to be made or maintained inaccordance with this Subsection (2).
(3) A liquor warehousing license may not be transferred from one location to anotherlocation, without prior written approval of the commission.
(4) (a) A liquor warehouser licensee may not sell, transfer, assign, exchange, barter, give,or attempt in any way to dispose of the license to another person, whether for monetary gain ornot.
(b) A liquor warehousing license has no monetary value for any type of disposition.
(5) A liquor warehouser licensee may not employ a minor to handle an alcoholic product.
(6) Liquor that is warehoused in this state and sold to an out-of-state consignee, may betransported out of the state only by a motor carrier regulated under Title 72, Chapter 9, MotorCarrier Safety Act.
(7) Liquor that is warehoused in this state and sold to the department may be transportedonly by a motor carrier approved by the department.
(8) Liquor transported to or from a liquor warehouser licensee's licensed premises shallbe carried in a sealed conveyance that is made available for inspection by the department whileen route within the state.
(9) A liquor warehouser licensee may not ship, convey, distribute, or remove liquor froma warehouse in less than a full case lot.
(10) A liquor warehouser licensee may not ship, convey, distribute, or remove liquorfrom a warehouse to a consignee outside the state that is not licensed as a liquor wholesaler orretailer by the state in which the consignee is domiciled.
(11) A liquor warehouser licensee may not receive, warehouse, distribute, transport, ship,or convey liquor that the commission has not authorized the liquor warehouser licensee to handlethrough its warehouse.
(12) The commission may prescribe by policy or rule, consistent with this title, thegeneral operational requirements of licensees relating to:
(a) physical facilities;
(b) conditions of storage, distribution, or transport of liquor; and
(c) other matters considered appropriate by the commission.
Enacted by Chapter 276, 2010 General Session