53-3-806 (Effective 07/01/11). Portrait-style format -- Minor's card distinguishable. (1) The division shall use a portrait-style format for all identification cards, similar to theformat used for license certificates issued to a person younger than 21 years of age under Section
(2) The identification card issued to a person younger than 21 years of age shall bedistinguished by use of plainly printed information or by the use of a color or other means notused for the identification card issued to a person 21 years of age or older.
(3) The division shall distinguish an identification card issued to any person:
(a) younger than 21 years of age by plainly printing the date the identification card holderis 21 years of age, which is the legal age for purchasing an alcoholic beverage or alcoholicproduct under Section
32B-4-403; and
(b) younger than 19 years of age by plainly printing the date the identification card holderis 19 years of age, which is the legal age for purchasing tobacco products under Section
(4) The division shall distinguish a limited-term identification card by clearly indicatingon the card:
(a) that it is temporary; and
(b) its expiration date.
Amended by Chapter 276, 2010 General Session