53-10-406 (Effective 01/01/11). DNA specimen analysis -- Bureau responsibilities. (1) The bureau shall:
(a) administer and oversee the DNA specimen collection process;
(b) store all DNA specimens received and other physical evidence obtained from analysisof those specimens;
(c) analyze the specimens to establish the genetic profile of the donor or to otherwisedetermine the identity of persons or contract with other qualified public or private laboratories toconduct the analysis;
(d) maintain a criminal identification data base containing information derived fromDNA analysis;
(e) utilize the specimens to create statistical population frequency data bases, providedthat genetic profiles or other information in a population frequency data base may not beidentified with specific individuals;
(f) ensure that the DNA identification system does not provide information allowingprediction of genetic disease or predisposition to illness;
(g) ensure that only DNA markers routinely used or accepted in the field of forensicscience are used to establish the gender and unique individual identification of the donor;
(h) utilize only those DNA analysis procedures that are consistent with, and do notexceed, procedures established and used by the Federal Bureau of Investigation for the forensicanalysis of DNA;
(i) destroy a DNA specimen obtained under this part if criminal charges have not beenfiled within 90 days after booking for an alleged offense under Subsection
53-10-403(2)(c); and
(j) make rules in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative RulemakingAct, establishing procedures for obtaining, transmitting, and analyzing DNA specimens and forstoring and destroying DNA specimens and other physical evidence and criminal identificationinformation obtained from the analysis.
(2) Procedures for DNA analysis may include all techniques which the Department ofPublic Safety determines are accurate and reliable in establishing identity, including but notlimited to, analysis of DNA, antigen antibodies, polymorphic enzymes, or polymorphic proteins.
(3) (a) In accordance with Section
63G-2-305, all DNA specimens received shall beclassified as protected.
(b) The Department of Public Safety may not transfer or disclose any DNA specimen,physical evidence, or criminal identification information obtained, stored, or maintained underthis section, except under its provisions.
(4) Notwithstanding Subsection
63G-2-202(1), the department may deny inspection if itdetermines that there is a reasonable likelihood that the inspection would prejudice a pendingcriminal investigation.
(5) The department shall adopt procedures governing the inspection of records, DNAspecimens, and challenges to the accuracy of records. The procedures shall accommodate theneed to preserve the materials from contamination and destruction.
(6) A person whose DNA specimen has been obtained under this part may, personally orthrough a legal representative, submit to the court a motion for a court order requiring thedestruction of the person's DNA specimen and any criminal identification record created inconnection with that specimen if:
(a) (i) a final judgment reverses the conviction, judgment, or order that created an
obligation to provide a DNA specimen; or
(ii) all charges arising from the same criminal episode for which the DNA specimen wasobtained under Subsection 53-10-404.5(1)(a) have been resolved by a final judgment of dismissalor acquittal; and
(b) the department determines that the person has not otherwise become obligated tosubmit a DNA specimen as a result of any separate conviction or juvenile adjudication for anyoffense listed in Subsection 53-10-403(2).
(7) A court order issued under Subsection (6) may be accompanied by a written notice tothe person advising that state law provides for expungement of criminal charges if the charge isresolved by a final judgment of dismissal or acquittal.
(8) Upon receipt of a court order for destruction pursuant to Subsection (6) and receipt ofa certified copy of the court order reversing the conviction, judgment, or order, a certified copy ofa court order to set aside the conviction, or a certified copy of the dismissal or acquittal of thecharge regarding which the person was arrested, the Department of Public Safety shall destroyany specimen received from the person, any physical evidence obtained from that specimen, andany criminal identification records pertaining to the person, unless prohibited under Subsection(6)(b).
(9) The department is not required to destroy any item of physical evidence obtainedfrom a DNA specimen if evidence relating to another person subject to the provisions of Sections53-10-404 and 53-10-405 would as a result be destroyed.
(10) A DNA specimen, physical evidence, or criminal identification record may not beaffected by an order to set aside a conviction, except under the provisions of this section.
(11) If funding is not available for analysis of any of the DNA specimens collected underthis part, the bureau shall store the collected specimens until funding is made available foranalysis through state or federal funds.
(12) (a) (i) A person who, due to the person's employment or authority, has possession ofor access to individually identifiable DNA information contained in the state criminalidentification database or the state DNA specimen repository may not willfully disclose theinformation in any manner to any individual, agency, or entity that is not entitled under this partto receive the information.
(ii) A person may not willfully obtain individually identifiable DNA information fromthe state criminal identification database or the state DNA repository other than as authorized bythis part.
(iii) A person may not willfully analyze a DNA specimen for any purpose, or to obtainany information other than as required under this part.
(iv) A person may not willfully fail to destroy or fail to ensure the destruction of a DNAspecimen when destruction is required by this part or by court order.
(b) (i) A person who violates Subsection (12)(a)(i), (ii), or (iii) is guilty of a third degreefelony.
(ii) A person who violates Subsection (12)(a)(iv) is guilty of a class B misdemeanor.
Amended by Chapter 405, 2010 General Session