3-1-19. Association not in restraint of trade -- Right to disseminate information. (1) No association complying with the terms hereof shall be deemed to be a conspiracy,or a combination in restraint of trade, or an illegal monopoly; or be deemed to have been formedfor the purpose of lessening competition or fixing prices arbitrarily, nor shall the contractsbetween the association and its members, or any agreement authorized in this act, be construed asan unlawful restraint of trade, or as part of a conspiracy or combination to accomplish animproper or illegal purpose or act.
(2) An association may acquire, exchange, interpret and disseminate to its members, toother cooperative associations, and otherwise, past, present, and prospective crop, market,statistical, economic, and other similar information relating to the business of the association,either directly or through an agent created or selected by it or by other associations acting inconjunction with it.
(3) An association may advise its members in respect to the adjustment of their currentand prospective production of agricultural commodities and its relation to the prospective volumeof consumption, selling prices and existing or potential surplus, to the end that every market maybe served from the most convenient productive areas under a program of orderly marketing thatwill assure adequate supplies without undue enhancement of prices or the accumulation of anyundue surplus.
Amended by Chapter 324, 2010 General Session