4-1-5. Suspension or revocation of license or registration -- Judicial review --Attorney general to represent department. (1) If the department has reason to believe that a licensee or registrant is or has engagedin conduct that violates this title, it shall issue and serve a notice of agency action.
(2) The commissioner, or the hearing officer designated by the commissioner, maysuspend or revoke a person's license or registration if the commissioner or hearing officer finds bya preponderance of the evidence that the person is engaging, or has engaged, in conduct thatviolates this title.
(3) (a) Any person whose registration or license is suspended or revoked under thissection may obtain judicial review.
(b) Venue for judicial review of informal adjudicative proceedings is in the district courtin the county where the alleged acts giving rise to the suspension or revocation occurred.
(4) The attorney general shall represent the department in any original action or appealcommenced under this section.
Amended by Chapter 161, 1987 General Session