4-7-13. Suspension or revocation -- Grounds -- Notice to producers. (1) The department may suspend or revoke the license of and suspend or refuse alldepartment services to any person licensed under this chapter if it finds that the licensee has:
(a) provided false information when making an application for a license;
(b) failed to comply with this chapter or rules adopted under this chapter; or
(c) engaged in any willful conduct which is detrimental to a producer.
(2) If a license is revoked pursuant to a hearing and the decision is final, or an injunctionis imposed by a civil court, the department shall, by publication in a newspaper of a generalcirculation in the area, notify producers of livestock or farm products in the area in which thelicensee operated that the license has been revoked or a department action has been taken.
Amended by Chapter 41, 1995 General Session