4-13-5. Enforcement -- Inspection and samples authorized -- Methods for samplingand analysis prescribed -- Warrants. (1) The department shall periodically sample, inspect, analyze, and test commercialfertilizers and soil amendments distributed within this state to determine if they comply with thischapter.
(2) Methods of analysis and sampling shall be in accordance with those adopted by thedepartment from sources such as the Association of Official Analytical Chemists Journal.
(3) In determining whether a commercial fertilizer or soil amendment is deficient, thedepartment shall be guided solely by the official sample.
(4) The department is authorized to enter any public or private premises or carriers duringregular business hours in order to have access to commercial fertilizers or soil amendmentssubject to this chapter. If admittance is refused, the department may proceed immediately toobtain an ex parte warrant from the nearest court of competent jurisdiction to allow entry upon thepremises for the purpose of making inspections and obtaining samples.
Enacted by Chapter 2, 1979 General Session