4-14-5. Issuance of experimental use permits -- Application -- Terms andconditions for issuance. (1) The department upon application may:
(a) issue an experimental use permit to any person if it determines that the applicantneeds such a permit in order to accumulate information necessary to register a pesticide underSection
4-14-3; or
(b) refuse to issue an experimental permit if it determines that issuance is not warrantedor that the pesticide use to be made under the proposed terms and conditions may causeunreasonable adverse effects on the environment.
(2) The department may also with respect to issuance of an experimental use permit:
(a) prescribe the terms and conditions for the conduct of the experimental use which in allevents shall be under the supervision of the department; and
(b) revoke or modify any experimental use permit if it determines that the terms orconditions of the experimental use are being violated, or that the terms and conditions prescribedare inadequate to avoid unreasonable adverse effects to the environment.
(3) Application for an experimental use permit may be made before, after, orsimultaneously with an application for registration.
Enacted by Chapter 2, 1979 General Session