4-15-10. Infested or diseased stock not to be offered for sale -- Identification of"nonestablished container stock" -- Requirements for container stock -- Inspected andcertified stock only to be offered for sale -- Prohibition against coating aerial plantsurfaces. (1) Nursery stock which is infested with plant pests, including noxious weeds, or infectedwith disease or which does not meet minimum indices of vitality may not be offered for sale.
(2) All nonestablished container stock offered for sale shall be identified by the words"nonestablished container stock" legibly printed on a water resistant tag which states the lengthof time it has been planted or the date it was planted and may not be offered for sale in anymanner which leads a purchaser to believe it is container stock.
(3) All container stock offered for sale shall be established with a root-media mass thatwill retain its shape and hold together when removed from the container.
(4) No nursery stock other than officially inspected and certified stock shall be offeredfor wholesale or retail sale in this state.
(5) Colored waxes or other materials which coat the aerial parts of a plant and change theappearance of the plant surface are prohibited.
Amended by Chapter 378, 2010 General Session