4-15-2. Definitions. As used in this chapter:
(1) "Balled and burlapped stock" means nursery stock which is removed from thegrowing site with a ball of soil containing its root system intact and encased in burlap or othermaterial to hold the soil in place;
(2) "Bare-root stock" means nursery stock which is removed from the growing site withthe root system free of soil;
(3) "Container stock" means nursery stock which is transplanted in soil or in a pottingmixture contained within a metal, clay, plastic, or other rigid container for a period sufficient toallow newly developed fibrous roots to form so that if the plant is removed from the container itsroot-media ball will remain intact;
(4) "Etiolated growth" means bleached and unnatural growth resulting from the exclusionof sunlight;
(5) "Minimum indices of vitality" mean standards adopted by the department todetermine the health and vigor of nursery stock offered for sale in this state;
(6) "Nonestablished container stock" means deciduous nursery stock which istransplanted in soil or in a potting mixture contained within a metal, clay, plastic, or other rigidcontainer for a period insufficient to allow the formation of fibrous roots sufficient to form aroot-media ball;
(7) "Nursery" means any place where nursery stock is propagated and grown for sale ordistribution;
(8) "Nursery outlet" means any place or location where nursery stock is offered forwholesale or retail sale;
(9) "Nursery stock" means all plants, whether field grown, container grown, or collectednative plants; trees, shrubs, vines, grass sod; seedlings, perennials, biennials; and buds, cuttings,grafts, or scions grown or collected or kept for propagation, sale, or distribution; except that itdoes not include dormant bulbs, tubers, roots, corms, rhizomes, pips; field, vegetable, or flowerseeds; or bedding plants, annual plants, florists' greenhouse or field-grown plants, flowers orcuttings;
(10) "Place of business" means each separate nursery, or nursery outlet, where nurserystock is offered for sale, sold, or distributed;
(11) "Packaged stock" means bare-root stock which is packed either in bundles or insingle plants with the roots in some type of moisture-retaining material designed to retardevaporation and hold the moisture-retaining material in place.
Amended by Chapter 378, 2010 General Session