4-15-7. Inspection -- Issuance of certificate -- Destruction of infested or diseasedstock. (1) Each nursery shall be inspected by the department at least once each year. If uponinspection it appears that the nursery and its stock are free of insect pests and plant disease thedepartment shall issue a certificate to that effect to the nursery.
(2) Each nursery outlet shall be inspected by the department at least once each yearduring the period nursery stock is offered for retail sale. An inspection certificate may be issuedby the department to a nursery outlet to permit the interstate shipment of nursery stock if the stockcontemplated for shipment appears free of insect pests and plant disease.
(3) Nursery stock found to be infested with insect pests or infected with plant diseaseshall be destroyed or otherwise treated as determined by the department.
Enacted by Chapter 126, 1981 General Session