4-17-3. Commissioner -- Functions, powers, and duties. The commissioner has the following powers and duties:
(1) investigates and designates noxious weeds on a statewide basis;
(2) compiles and publishes annually a list of statewide noxious weeds;
(3) coordinates and assists in inter-county noxious weed enforcement activities;
(4) determines whether each county complies with this chapter;
(5) assists a county which fails to carry out the provisions of this chapter in itsimplementation of a weed control program;
(6) prescribes the form and general substantive content of notices to the public and toindividuals concerning the prevention and control of noxious weeds;
(7) compiles and publishes a list of articles capable of disseminating noxious weeds orseeds and designate treatment to prevent dissemination; and
(8) regulates the flow of contaminated articles into the state and between counties toprevent the dissemination of noxious weeds or seeds.
Amended by Chapter 18, 1985 General Session