4-17-6. Weed control supervisor -- Qualification -- Appointment -- Duties. (1) (a) Each commission may employ one or more weed control supervisors qualified to:
(i) detect and treat noxious weeds; and
(ii) direct the weed control program for the county weed board.
(b) A person may be a weed control supervisor for more than one county weed board.
(c) Terms and conditions of employment shall be prescribed by the commission.
(2) A supervisor, under the direction of the local county weed control board, shall:
(a) examine all land under the jurisdiction of the county weed control board to determinewhether this chapter and the rules adopted by the department have been met;
(b) compile data on infested areas;
(c) consult and advise upon matters pertaining to the best and most practical method ofnoxious weed control and prevention;
(d) render assistance and direction for the most effective control and prevention;
(e) investigate violations of this chapter;
(f) enforce noxious weed controls within the county; and
(g) perform any other duties required by the county weed control board.
Amended by Chapter 179, 2007 General Session