4-17-7. Notice of noxious weeds to be published annually in county -- Notice toparticular property owners to control noxious weeds -- Methods of prevention or controlspecified -- Failure to control noxious weeds considered public nuisance. (1) Each county weed control board before May 1 of each year shall post a general noticeof the noxious weeds within the county in at least three public places within the county andpublish the same notice on:
(a) at least three occasions in a newspaper or other publication of general circulationwithin the county; and
(b) as required in Section
(2) If the county weed control board determines that particular property within the countyrequires prompt and definite attention to prevent or control noxious weeds, it shall serve theowner or the person in possession of the property, personally or by certified mail, a noticespecifying when and what action is required to be taken on the property. Methods of preventionor control may include definite systems of tillage, cropping, use of chemicals, and use oflivestock.
(3) An owner or person in possession of property who fails to take action to control orprevent the spread of noxious weeds as specified in the notice is maintaining a public nuisance.
Amended by Chapter 378, 2010 General Session