4-17-8. Noxious weeds -- Failure to control after notice a nuisance -- Notice andhearing -- Control at county expense -- Owner liable for county costs -- Charges lienagainst property. (1) If the owner or person in possession of the property fails to take action to control orprevent the spread of noxious weeds within five working days after the property is declared apublic nuisance, the county may, after reasonable notification, enter the property, without theconsent of the owner or the person in possession, and perform any work necessary, consistentwith sound weed prevention and control practices, to control the weeds.
(2) Any expense incurred by the county in controlling the noxious weeds is paid by theproperty owner of record or the person in possession of the property, as the case may be, within90 days after receipt of the charges incurred by the county. If not paid within 90 days after noticeof the charges, the charges become a lien against the property and are collectible by the countytreasurer at the time general property taxes are collected.
Amended by Chapter 18, 1985 General Session