4-21-3. Beef promotion fee -- Deposit of revenue -- Fee set by referendum --Reduction for amounts paid under federal law. (1) (a) The department shall collect a fee established as required by Subsection (2) on allfee brand inspected cattle upon change of ownership or slaughter in an amount not more than $1or less than 25 cents.
(b) The fee is collected by the local brand inspector at the time of inspection of cattle, ordeducted and collected by the marketing agency or the purchaser.
(c) All revenue collected under this section shall be paid to the department which shalldeposit the revenue in an agency fund that is hereby created and shall be known as the "BeefPromotion Fund."
(2) Before a fee assessed under Subsection (1) becomes effective, the department shallgive notice of the proposed fee to all known beef and dairy cattle producers in the state, invite allbeef and dairy cattle producers to register to vote in a referendum, conduct a hearing on theproposed fee change, and conduct a referendum where at least 50% of the registered producerscast a vote with a majority of those voting casting an affirmative vote on the proposed fee level.
(3) Any fee currently assessed by the department continues in effect until modified by thedepartment under Subsections (1) and (2).
(4) The fee assessed under this section shall be reduced by the amount of any assessmentrequired to be paid pursuant to the Beef Promotion and Research Act of 1985, 7 U.S.C. Sec. 2901 et seq.
Amended by Chapter 256, 2002 General Session