4-23-6. Department to issue licenses and permits -- Department to issue aircraft usepermits -- Reports. The department is responsible for the issuance of permits and licenses for the purposes ofthe federal Fish and Wildlife Act of 1956. No state agency or private person shall use anyaircraft for the prevention of damage without first obtaining a use permit from the department. Astate agency which contemplates the use of aircraft for the protection of agricultural crops,livestock, poultry, or wildlife shall file an application with the department for an aircraft usepermit to enable the agency to issue licenses to personnel within the agency charged with theresponsibility to protect such resources. Persons who desire to use privately owned aircraft forthe protection of land, water, crops, wildlife, or livestock may not engage in any such protectiveactivity without first obtaining an aircraft permit from the department. Agencies and privatepersons which obtain aircraft use permits shall file such reports with the department as it deemsnecessary in the administration of its licensing authority.
Amended by Chapter 378, 2010 General Session