4-23-9. Annual budget requests -- Relation to amount of fees and supplementalcontributions deposited in Agricultural and Wildlife Damage Prevention Account --Commissioner to certify amount deposited. (1) (a) The department in its annual budget request shall include a request for funds fromthe General Fund equal in amount to 120% of the amount of the fees and supplementalcontributions deposited in the Agricultural and Wildlife and Damage Prevention Account duringthe previous fiscal year.
(b) The funds shall be used for the purposes provided in this chapter.
(2) (a) The Division of Wildlife Resources in its annual budget request shall include arequest for funds from the General Fund equal to 25% of the amount of the fees and supplementalcontributions deposited in the Agricultural and Wildlife Damage Prevention Account during theprevious fiscal year.
(b) The funds shall be used for the purposes provided in this chapter.
(c) The commissioner shall certify annually to the director of the Division of WildlifeResources before September 1, the amount of revenue deposited to the Agricultural and WildlifeDamage Prevention Account during the previous fiscal year.
Amended by Chapter 98, 1994 General Session