4-24-16. Transportation of cattle and calves between brand inspection districts --Brand inspection required -- Exception -- No fee for reinspection -- Application for brandinspection -- Time and place of inspection -- Applicability to horses and mules. (1) A person may not transport any cattle or calves from a point within a brand inspectiondistrict to a point outside the district, except as provided in Subsection (2), until the cattle orcalves have been brand inspected, unless the department approves their transport subject to brandinspection at some point designated along the transport route. A brand inspection fee is notrequired to be paid upon reinspection of cattle or calves being transported between districts froma summer or winter range or pasture if the cattle or calves were brand inspected in the district oforigin. Before transport from one district to another, the owner or person responsible for thetransport shall apply to the department to inspect the brands and marks of the animals to bemoved. The application shall state the time and place where the animals may be inspected. Uponreceipt of an application for brand inspection, the department shall conduct the inspection at thetime and place specified in the application or at such other time and place as the departmentapproves.
(2) Cattle or calves may be transported between brand inspection districts without brandinspection if they are destined for a livestock market in this state.
(3) Horses and mules may move within the state without a brand inspection, but a brandinspection is required on a change of ownership or to leave this state.
Amended by Chapter 139, 1988 General Session