4-24-26. Use of vehicle to transport stolen livestock prohibited -- Vehicle subject toseizure and sale -- Procedure for sale -- Defense. No person shall use any vehicle for the transportation of stolen livestock or carcasses. Anyvehicle used in transporting stolen livestock or carcasses is subject to seizure and public sale bythe sheriff of the county where it is found.
No sale shall be made, however, until written notice of the proposed sale is served uponthe person in whose custody the vehicle is found. Such person has 10 days after service of thenotice of proposed sale to respond to the notice, in which event, no sale shall be conducted untilafter the issue of ownership or any other issues are litigated in a court of competent jurisdiction.A stolen vehicle used for unlawful transportation is not subject to seizure and sale if the owner ofthe vehicle is not acting in concert with the thief.
Enacted by Chapter 2, 1979 General Session