4-29-2. Restrictions on importation of chickens, turkeys, chicks, turkey poults, andhatching eggs -- Certificate to accompany shipment -- Disposition of nonconformingshipments. (1) No chickens, turkeys, chicks, turkey poults, or hatching eggs to be used for breedingpurposes shall be imported to this state, or sold by hatcheries or others within this state unlessthey originate from flocks participating in the pullorum control and eradication phase of theNational Poultry Improvement Plan, or the National Turkey Improvement Plan, or have passed anegative agglutination blood test for pullorum disease administered under the supervision of thedepartment within 12 months prior to the date of sale.
(2) Baby chicks, turkey poults, or hatching eggs to be used for purposes other thanbreeding may not be imported to this state, or sold by hatcheries or others within this state unlessthey originate from flocks participating in the pullorum control and eradication phase of theNational Poultry Improvement Plan, or the National Turkey Improvement Plan, or have passed anegative agglutination blood test for pullorum disease administered under supervision of thedepartment within 12 months prior to the date of sale.
(3) A certificate issued by the appropriate authority of the "state of origin" shallaccompany each shipment of hatching eggs, baby chicks, poults, started chicks, started poults, orchicken or turkey breed stock imported to this state. The certificate shall specify that the contentsof the shipment is free of pullorum or other poultry disease, the name and address of theconsignee in this state, the name and address of the person who consigned the poultry forshipment, the name of the certifying authority in the state of origin, and the date the test orinspection for pullorum was performed by such authority.
(4) The department may seize and destroy any shipment of chickens, chicks, turkeys,poults, or hatching eggs transported into this state in contravention of this section without noticeto the person who consigned the poultry for shipment to this state, or it may return the contents ofthe shipment to such person at the latter's expense.
Amended by Chapter 378, 2010 General Session