4-29-5. License -- Application -- Fee -- Expiration -- Renewal. Application to operate a hatchery or to engage in the business of selling chicks, poults, orhatching eggs shall be made to the department upon forms prescribed and furnished by it. Uponreceipt of a proper application and payment of a license fee in an amount determined by thedepartment pursuant to Subsection
4-2-2(2), the commissioner, if satisfied that the convenienceand necessity of the industry and the public will be served, shall issue a license entitling theapplicant to engage in the otherwise proscribed activity through December 31 of the year inwhich the license is issued. A hatchery license is annually renewable on or before December 31of each year upon the payment of an annual license renewal fee in an amount determined by thedepartment pursuant to Subsection
Amended by Chapter 130, 1985 General Session