4-30-4. License required -- Application -- Fee -- Expiration -- Renewal. (1) (a) No person may operate a livestock market in this state without a license issued bythe department.
(b) Application for a license shall be made to the department upon forms prescribed andfurnished by it. The application shall specify:
(i) if the applicant is an individual, the name, address, and date of birth of the applicant;or
(ii) if the applicant is a partnership, corporation, or association, the name, address, anddate of birth of each person who has a financial interest in the applicant and the amount of eachperson's interest;
(iii) a certified statement of the financial assets and liabilities of the applicant detailing:
(A) current assets;
(B) current liabilities;
(C) long-term assets; and
(D) long-term liabilities;
(iv) a legal description of the property where the market is proposed to be located, itsstreet address, and a description of the facilities proposed to be used in connection with it;
(v) a schedule of the charges or fees the applicant proposes to charge for each servicerendered; and
(vi) a detailed statement of the trade area proposed to be served by the applicant, thepotential benefits which will be derived by the livestock industry, and the specific services theapplicant intends to render at the livestock market.
(2) (a) Upon receipt of a proper application, payment of a license fee in an amountdetermined by the department pursuant to Subsection
4-2-2(2), and a favorable recommendationby the Livestock Market Committee, the commissioner, if satisfied that the convenience andnecessity of the industry and the public will be served, shall issue a license allowing the applicantto operate the livestock market proposed in the application valid through December 31 of the yearin which the license is issued, subject to suspension or revocation for cause.
(b) A livestock market license is annually renewable on or before December 31 of eachyear upon the payment of an annual license renewal fee in an amount determined by thedepartment pursuant to Subsection
(3) No livestock market original or renewal license may be issued until the applicant hasprovided the department with a certified copy of a surety bond filed with the United StatesDepartment of Agriculture as required by the Packers and Stockyards Act, 1921, 7 U.S.C. Section 181 et seq.
Amended by Chapter 298, 1999 General Session