4-32-17. Quarantine authorized -- Conditions giving rise to quarantine. (1) Any meat or poultry product, or any dead, dying, disabled, or diseased animal that isbeing transported or is held for sale in this state, and that:
(a) is or has been prepared, sold, transported, or otherwise distributed or offered orreceived for distribution in violation of this chapter;
(b) is capable of use as human food and is adulterated or misbranded; or
(c) in any other way violates this chapter, shall be seized and quarantined.
(2) Quarantined animals or products shall be condemned and destroyed, except that theowner of the quarantined animals or products may request a hearing within five days, and thecommissioner shall, within five days after the request, conduct a hearing to decide whether thequarantined animals or products shall be condemned.
(3) The commissioner's decision under Subsection (2) is final, and all condemnedanimals or products shall forthwith be destroyed or denatured in the presence of thecommissioner or an inspector.
(4) This section does not limit the authority for condemnation or seizure conferred byother provisions of this chapter, or other laws.
Amended by Chapter 242, 2010 General Session