4-32-20. Suspension or revocation -- Grounds. The department may upon its own motion, and shall upon the verified complaint inwriting of any person, investigate or cause to be investigated the operation of any meatestablishment, and may suspend or revoke the license of the meat establishment upon any of thefollowing grounds:
(1) the license was obtained by any false or misleading statement;
(2) for slaughtering any animal without an antemortem and a postmortem inspection, orfor processing any meat or poultry or products of either that have not been inspected and passed,(or exempted) and so identified;
(3) the advertising or publicizing of any false or misleading statements that pertain to theslaughtering, processing, or distribution of animals or meat or poultry products;
(4) the failure to maintain refrigeration, sanitation, or dispose of waste as required byrules of the department; or
(5) the failure to comply with rules of the department pertaining to the disposal ofcarcasses or parts of carcasses that have been determined to be unfit for human consumption.
Amended by Chapter 242, 2010 General Session