4-32-6. Duties of person who holds a farm custom slaughter license. Each person who holds a farm custom slaughter license shall:
(1) keep accurate records of each animal slaughtered including the name, address, andtelephone number of each person for whom the animal is slaughtered, a full description of eachanimal slaughtered including age, brands, marks, or other identifying marks, proof of ownership,destination of the carcass for processing, and the date of slaughter;
(2) require that each animal presented for slaughter bear a farm custom slaughter tag;
(3) render the animal to be slaughtered insensible to pain by captive bolt, gunshot,electric shock, or other humane means before it is shackled, hoisted, thrown, cast, or cut; and
(4) stamp and tag the carcass of any slaughtered animal "Not For Sale."
Amended by Chapter 242, 2010 General Session