4-37-502. Inspections -- Health approval report -- Report for quarantine facility --Qualifications of inspectors -- Notification of department. (1) (a) Except as provided by Subsection (1)(b), approval shall be based upon inspectionscarried out in accordance with standards and rules of the Fish Health Policy Board made pursuantto Section
(b) An owner or operator of an aquaculture facility that is under quarantine or whosehealth approval has been canceled or denied prior to July 1, 2007 may seek health approvalwithout submitting or complying with a biosecurity plan required by rule by submitting a newhealth inspection report to the department.
(2) (a) The inspections shall be done by an individual who has received certification fromthe American Fisheries Society as a fish health inspector.
(b) An inspection of an aquaculture facility may not be done by an inspector who isemployed by, or has pecuniary interest in, the facility being inspected.
(c) The department shall post on its website a current list of:
(i) certified fish health inspectors; and
(ii) approved laboratories to which a fish health inspector may send the samples collectedduring the inspections required by this section.
(d) (i) If the fish health inspector conducting the inspection is not an employee of thedepartment, the owner or operator of the aquaculture facility shall notify the department of thedate and time of the inspection at least five business days before the date on which the inspectionwill occur.
(ii) The department may be present for the inspection.
(3) To receive a health approval number, inspection reports and other evidence of thedisease status of a source facility shall be submitted to the agency responsible for certifying thesource as health approved pursuant to Section
Amended by Chapter 378, 2010 General Session