4-38-10. Race meets -- Licenses -- Fairs. (1) Each person making application for a license to hold a race meet under this chaptershall file an application with the commission which shall set forth the time, place, and number ofdays the race meet will continue, and other information the commission may require.
(2) A person who has been convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude may not beissued a license to hold a race meet.
(3) (a) The license issued shall specify the kind and character of the race meet to be held,the number of days the race meet shall continue, and the number of races per day.
(b) The licensee shall pay in advance of the scheduled race meet to the commission a feeof not less than $25. If unforeseen obstacles arise which prevent the holding or completion of anyrace meet, the license fee held may be refunded to the licensee if the commission considers thereason for failure to hold or complete the race meet sufficient.
(4) (a) Any unexpired license held by any person who violates any of the provisions ofthis chapter, or who fails to pay to the commission any fees required under this chapter, shall besubject to cancellation and revocation by the commission.
(b) This cancellation shall be made only after a summary hearing before the commission,of which seven days notice in writing shall be given the licensee, specifying the grounds for theproposed cancellation. At the hearing, the licensee shall be given an opportunity to be heard inopposition to the proposed cancellation.
(5) (a) Fair boards or fair districts that conduct race meets in connection with regularlyscheduled annual fairs shall be exempt from payment of the fees provided in this section, unlessthey sponsor a race in which the speed indexes are officially recognized under breedrequirements.
(b) All fair boards and fair meets shall be limited to 14 race days, unless otherwisepermitted by a unanimous vote of the commission.
(6) The exemption from the payment of fees under Subsection (5)(a) does not apply tothose qualifying for official speed index races.
Amended by Chapter 64, 1993 General Session