4-38-4. Powers and duties of commission. (1) The commission shall:
(a) license, regulate, and supervise all persons involved in the racing of horses asprovided in this chapter;
(b) license, regulate, and supervise all recognized race meets held in this state under theterms of this chapter;
(c) cause the various places where recognized race meets are held to be visited andinspected at least once a year;
(d) assist in procuring public liability insurance coverage from a private insurancecompany for those licensees unable to otherwise obtain the insurance required under this chapter;
(e) make rules in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah AdministrativeRulemaking Act, to govern race meets, including rules:
(i) to resolve scheduling conflicts and settle disputes among licensees;
(ii) to supervise, discipline, suspend, fine, and bar from events all persons required to belicensed by this chapter; and
(iii) to hold, conduct, and operate all recognized race meets conducted pursuant to thischapter;
(f) determine which persons participating, directly or indirectly, in recognized race meetsrequire licenses;
(g) announce the time, place, and duration of recognized race meets for which licensesshall be required; and
(h) establish reasonable fees for all licenses provided for under this chapter.
(2) The commission may:
(a) grant, suspend, or revoke licenses issued under this chapter;
(b) impose fines as provided in this chapter;
(c) access criminal history record information for all licensees and commissionemployees; and
(d) exclude from any racetrack facility in this state any person who the commissionconsiders detrimental to the best interests of racing or any person who violates any provisions ofthis chapter or any rule or order of the commission.
Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session