7-1-324. Debt cancellation agreements and debt suspension agreements. (1) As used in this section:
(a) "Class of depository institution" means a class consisting of:
(i) banks;
(ii) credit unions;
(iii) industrial banks;
(iv) savings and loan associations; or
(v) wholly owned subsidiaries of a depository institution listed in this Subsection (1)(a).
(b) "Debt cancellation agreement" is as defined in Section
(c) "Debt suspension agreement" is as defined in Section
(2) Subject to the other provisions of this section, the commissioner may by rule, made inaccordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act:
(a) authorize any member of a class of depository institution that is subject to thejurisdiction of the department to issue:
(i) a debt cancellation agreement; or
(ii) a debt suspension agreement; and
(b) regulate the issuance of a debt cancellation agreement or a debt suspension agreementissued in this state by a member of a class of depository institution.
(3) (a) Any rule adopted by the commissioner under this section as applied to a class ofdepository institution shall be substantially similar to any federal regulation applying to the sameclass of depository institution.
(b) Any rule adopted by the commissioner applicable to a class of depository institutiondescribed in this Subsection (3)(b) shall be substantially similar to any federal regulationapplicable to a bank if no federal regulation authorizes or regulates the issuance of a debtcancellation agreement or debt suspension agreement for that class of depository institution.
(4) (a) An out-of-state depository institution may issue a debt cancellation agreement ordebt suspension agreement in this state if:
(i) the home state of the out-of-state depository institution authorizes and regulates theissuance of a debt cancellation agreement or debt suspension agreement by the out-of-statedepository institution; and
(ii) subject to Subsection (4)(b), the out-of-state depository institution complies withregulations from the out-of-state depository institution's home state that regulate the issuance of adebt cancellation agreement or a debt suspension agreement.
(b) Notwithstanding Subsection (4)(a), an out-of-state depository institution described inSubsection (4)(a) shall comply with rules adopted by the commissioner under this section thatregulate the issuance of a debt cancellation agreement or a debt suspension agreement in thisstate by the class of depository institution to which the out-of-state depository institution belongsif the regulations of the out-of-state depository institution's home state do not provide at least thesame level of protection with respect to a debt cancellation agreement or debt suspensionagreement as the rules adopted by the commissioner under this section with respect to the sameclass of depository institution:
(i) for the safety and soundness of the depository institution; and
(ii) for consumer protections for the borrowers of the depository institution.
Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session