7-1-402. Time for payment of fees -- Schedule of additional fees -- Revocation ofpermit or license for failure to pay fees. (1) All financial institutions or other persons under the jurisdiction of the department shallpay to the commissioner for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1987, and annually thereafter, thefees, charges, and assessments for the costs of supervision, examination, and administration of thedepartment and for processing all applications and notices as required under this title.
(2) All per diem and other examination fees shall be paid promptly upon order of thecommissioner after completion of an examination. All other fees, unless otherwise provided,shall be assessed on July 1 and shall be payable to the commissioner on or before July 15.
(3) Any financial institution or other person subject to the jurisdiction of the departmentas of July 1 of each year shall pay the total fee for the fiscal year of July 1 through June 30.
(4) The commissioner may adopt a schedule of fees in addition to those provided in thissection that may be assessed for services rendered by the department. These fees shall bereasonable and fair and shall reflect the cost of the services provided.
(5) The fees and assessments established in this section shall be in addition to any otherfee or tax imposed by law.
(6) The commissioner may revoke the license or permit of any institution under thejurisdiction of the department for failure to pay the fees, charges, or assessments as provided inthis title.
Amended by Chapter 133, 1991 General Session