7-2-10. Inventory of assets -- Listings of claims -- Report of proceedings -- Filing --Inspection. As soon as is practical after taking possession of an institution the commissioner, or anyreceiver or liquidator appointed by him, shall make or cause to be made in duplicate an inventoryof its assets, one copy to be filed in his office and one with the clerk of the district court. Uponthe expiration of the time fixed for presentation of claims the commissioner, or any receiver orliquidator appointed by him, shall make in duplicate a full and complete list of the claimspresented, including and specifying claims disallowed by him, of which one copy shall be filed inhis office and one copy in the office of the clerk of the district court. The commissioner, or anyreceiver or liquidator appointed by him, shall in like manner make and file supplemental listsshowing all claims presented after the filing of the first list. The supplemental lists shall be filedevery six months and at least 15 days before the declaration of any dividend. At the time of theorder for final distribution the commissioner, or any receiver or liquidator appointed by him,shall make a report in duplicate of the proceeding, showing the disposition of the assets andliabilities of the institution, one copy to be filed in his office and one with the clerk of the districtcourt. The accounting, inventory, and lists of claims shall be open at all reasonable times forinspection. Any objection to any report or accounting shall be filed with the clerk of the districtcourt within 30 days after the report of accounting has been filed by the commissioner, or anyreceiver or liquidator appointed by him, and shall be subject to judicial review only as providedin Section
Amended by Chapter 378, 2010 General Session