7-18a-403. Asset maintenance. (1) Each foreign depository institution authorized to transact business in this state throughan agency or branch shall hold assets in this state consisting of currency, bonds, notes, debentures,drafts, bills of exchange, or other evidences of indebtedness, including loan participationagreements or certificates, or other obligations that are payable:
(a) in the United States in United States funds; or
(b) with the prior approval of the commissioner, in funds freely convertible into UnitedStates funds.
(2) The amount of assets required in Subsection (1) shall be in an amount not less than108% of the aggregate amount of liabilities of the foreign depository institution appearing in thebooks, accounts, or records of its agency or branch located in this state, including acceptances,but excluding amounts due and other liabilities to other offices, agencies, or branches of, andwholly owned, except for a nominal number of directors' shares, subsidiaries of, the foreigndepository institution, and such other liabilities as the commissioner shall determine.
(3) For the purposes of this section, the commissioner:
(a) shall value marketable securities at principal amount or market value, whichever islower;
(b) may determine the value of any non-marketable bond, note, debenture, draft, bill ofexchange, other evidence of indebtedness or other asset or obligation held by or owed to theforeign depository institution in this state; and
(c) in determining the amount of assets for the purpose of computing the above ratio ofassets to liabilities in Subsection (2), may exclude in whole or in part any particular asset.
(4) The commissioner may require a foreign depository institution to deposit the assetsrequired to be held in this state pursuant to this section with a Utah depository institutiondesignated by the commissioner if, because of the existence or the potential occurrence of unusualand extraordinary circumstances, the commissioner considers it necessary or desirable:
(a) for the maintenance of a sound financial condition;
(b) for the protection of depositors, creditors, and the public interest; or
(c) to maintain public confidence in the business of an agency or branch.
(5) The assets held to satisfy the ratio of assets to liabilities prescribed by this section,shall include obligations of any person for money borrowed from an agency or branch of aforeign depository institution authorized to transact business in this state only to the extent that thetotal of these obligations of any person are not more than 10% of the assets considered forpurposes of this section.
Enacted by Chapter 63, 1996 General Session