is extended by the deferred deposit lender before the deferred deposit loan is paid in full;
(iv) the minimum and maximum amount of interest or fees charged by the deferreddeposit lender for a deferred deposit loan:
(A) of $100; and
(B) extended for one week;
(v) the total number of deferred deposit loans rescinded by the deferred deposit lender atthe request of the customer pursuant to Subsection 7-23-401(3)(b);
(vi) the percentage of deferred deposit loans extended by the deferred deposit lender thatare not paid in full by 10 weeks after the day on which the deferred deposit loan is executed; and
(vii) of the persons to whom the deferred deposit lender extended a deferred deposit loan,the percentage that entered into an extended payment plan under Section 7-23-403.
(3) Information provided by a deferred deposit lender under Subsection (2)(e) is:
(a) confidential in accordance with Section 7-1-802; and
(b) not subject to Title 63G, Chapter 2, Government Records Access and ManagementAct.
(4) (a) The commissioner may impose an administrative fine determined underSubsection (4)(b) on a person if:
(i) the person is required to be registered under this chapter;
(ii) the person fails to register or renew a registration in accordance with this chapter;
(iii) the department notifies the person that the person is in violation of this chapter forfailure to be registered; and
(iv) the person fails to register within 30 days after the day on which the person receivesthe notice described in Subsection (4)(a)(iii).
(b) Subject to Subsection (4)(c), the administrative fine imposed under this section is:
(i) $500 if the person:
(A) has no office in this state at which the person conducts the business of:
(I) cashing checks; or
(II) deferred deposit lending; or
(B) has one office in this state at which the person conducts the business of:
(I) cashing checks; or
(II) deferred deposit lending; or
(ii) if the person has two or more offices in this state at which the person conducts thebusiness of cashing checks or the business of deferred deposit lending, $500 for each office atwhich the person conducts the business of:
(A) cashing checks; or
(B) deferred deposit lending.
(c) The commissioner may reduce or waive a fine imposed under this Subsection (4) ifthe person shows good cause.
(5) If the information in a registration, renewal, or operations statement required underSubsection (2) becomes inaccurate after filing, a person is not required to notify the departmentuntil:
(a) that person is required to renew the registration; or
(b) the department specifically requests earlier notification.
(6) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, thedepartment may make rules consistent with this section providing for:
Amended by Chapter 102, 2010 General Session