8-2-1. State treasurer to receive donations. Money which has been or shall be declared by an instrument in writing to be intended forthe perpetual care, maintenance, improvement, or embellishment of any cemetery, or of any lotstherein, to an amount not less than $50, may be deposited with the state treasurer, who shall, inthe name of the state, receive and receipt for it. The depositors shall at the time of making suchdeposit file with the treasurer and with the Division of Corporations and Commercial Code acopy of the instrument which declares the purpose for which the money so deposited is intendedto be applied. If the cemetery is held in private ownership, the deposit shall be accompanied by awritten agreement on the part of the person, association, or corporation operating the same thatthe income derived from the sum so deposited will be applied to the purposes designated by thedepositor as set forth in the instrument filed with such deposit.
Amended by Chapter 66, 1984 General Session