8-4-1. Entities subject to chapter -- Definitions. (1) An endowment care cemetery in this state, except those owned and operated bychurches, religious or established fraternal societies, or incorporated cities, towns, or otherpolitical subdivisions of the state, shall comply with the requirements of this chapter.
(2) As used in this chapter "endowment care cemetery" means a cemetery or mausoleumfor crypt or vault interments, columbarium for permanent cinerary interments, or any other placeproviding lots or other interment space for the remains of human bodies that:
(a) represents to the public that it will care for, maintain, and embellish its property topreserve it from becoming unkempt and a place of reproach and desolation in the community inwhich it is located; and
(b) collects funds for the purpose stated in Subsection (2)(a).
Amended by Chapter 3, 1996 General Session