9-1-806. Officers' duties. (1) The chair shall:
(a) preside at all meetings of the commission;
(b) appoint all subcommittee chairs;
(c) assist all chairs in the planning of subcommittee activities;
(d) supervise all chairs as to the management of subcommittee plans;
(e) authorize and execute the wishes of the commission; and
(f) serve as an ex officio member of all subcommittees.
(2) The vice chair shall:
(a) assist the chair, and, in the absence of the chair, perform those duties;
(b) accept special assignments from the chair; and
(c) perform other duties as delegated by the commission.
(3) The secretary shall:
(a) keep an updated list of names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all commissionand subcommittee members; and
(b) keep a record of attendance at meetings.
(4) The treasurer shall:
(a) oversee the preparation of all funding applications; and
(b) report on finances to the commission at each meeting.
Enacted by Chapter 119, 1994 General Session