9-4-1103. Utah State Fair Corporation -- Legal status -- Powers. (1) There is created an independent public nonprofit corporation known as the "UtahState Fair Corporation."
(2) The board shall file articles of incorporation for the corporation with the Division ofCorporations and Commercial Code.
(3) The corporation shall, subject to this part, have all powers and authority permittednonprofit corporations by law.
(4) The corporation shall, subject to approval of the board:
(a) have general management, supervision, and control over all activities relating to thestate fair and have charge of all state expositions except as otherwise provided by statute;
(b) for public entertainment, displays, and exhibits or similar events:
(i) provide, sponsor, or arrange the events;
(ii) publicize and promote the events; and
(iii) secure funds to cover the cost of the exhibits from:
(A) private contributions;
(B) public appropriations;
(C) admission charges; and
(D) other lawful means;
(c) establish the time, place, and purpose of state expositions; and
(d) acquire and designate exposition sites.
(5) (a) The corporation shall:
(i) use generally accepted accounting principals in accounting for its assets, liabilities,and operations;
(ii) seek corporate sponsorships for the state fair park and for individual buildings orfacilities within the fair park;
(iii) work with county and municipal governments, the Salt Lake Convention andVisitor's Bureau, the Utah Travel Council, and other entities to develop and promote expositionsand the use of the state fair park;
(iv) develop and maintain a marketing program to promote expositions and the use of thestate fair park;
(v) in cooperation with the Division of Facilities Construction and Management,maintain the physical appearance and structural integrity of the state fair park and the buildingslocated at the state fair park;
(vi) hold an annual exhibition that:
(A) is called the state fair or a similar name;
(B) includes expositions of livestock, poultry, agricultural, domestic science,horticultural, floricultural, mineral, and industrial products, manufactured articles, and domesticanimals that, in the corporation's opinion will best stimulate agricultural, industrial, artistic, andeducational pursuits and the sharing of talents among the people of Utah;
(C) includes the award of premiums for the best specimens of the exhibited articles andanimals;
(D) permits competition by livestock exhibited by citizens of other states and territoriesof the United States; and
(E) is arranged according to plans approved by the board;
(vii) fix the conditions of entry to the exposition described in Subsection (5)(a)(vi); and
(viii) publish a list of premiums that will be awarded at the exhibition described inSubsection (5)(a)(vi) for the best specimens of exhibited articles and animals.
(b) In addition to the state fair to be held in accordance with Subsection (5)(a)(vi), thecorporation may hold other exhibitions of livestock, poultry, agricultural, domestic science,horticultural, floricultural, mineral, and industrial products, manufactured articles, and domesticanimals that, in its opinion, will best stimulate agricultural, industrial, artistic, and educationalpursuits and the sharing of talents among the people of Utah.
(6) The corporation may:
(a) employ advisers, consultants, and agents, including financial experts and independentlegal counsel, and fix their compensation;
(b) procure insurance against any loss in connection with its property and other assets,including mortgage loans;
(c) receive and accept aid or contributions of money, property, labor, or other things ofvalue from any source, including any grants or appropriations from any department, agency, orinstrumentality of the United States or Utah;
(d) hold, use, loan, grant, and apply that aid and those contributions to carry out thepurposes of the corporation, subject to the conditions, if any, upon which the aid andcontributions were made;
(e) enter into management agreements with any person or entity for the performance ofits functions or powers;
(f) establish whatever accounts and procedures as necessary to budget, receive, anddisburse, account for, and audit all funds received, appropriated, or generated;
(g) enter into agreements for the leasing of any of the facilities at the state fair park, ifapproved by the board; and
(h) sponsor events as approved by the board.
(7) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (7)(c), as an independent agency of Utah, thecorporation is exempt from:
(i) Title 51, Chapter 5, Funds Consolidation Act;
(ii) Title 51, Chapter 7, State Money Management Act;
(iii) Title 63A, Utah Administrative Services Code;
(iv) Title 63G, Chapter 6, Utah Procurement Code;
(v) Title 63J, Chapter 1, Budgetary Procedures Act; and
(vi) Title 67, Chapter 19, Utah State Personnel Management Act.
(b) The board shall adopt policies parallel to and consistent with:
(i) Title 51, Chapter 5, Funds Consolidation Act;
(ii) Title 51, Chapter 7, State Money Management Act;
(iii) Title 63A, Utah Administrative Services Code;
(iv) Title 63G, Chapter 6, Utah Procurement Code; and
(v) Title 63J, Chapter 1, Budgetary Procedures Act.
(c) The corporation shall comply with the legislative approval requirements for newfacilities established in Subsection
Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session